
China pictures processed

2007.07.30 @13:47 

Currently travelling to China

Currently travelling to China

For the latest 3 weeks I've been travelling into China. I'm actually in Canton and this is the first day I had enough time to write a little bit on the blog.

Anyway the point is not to make a complete weblog about the travel itself - to be honest I prefer exploring than geeking on the computer ( I m doing it enough the rest of the time  ) - but just to keep updated and to announce that back from china I'll post some of my best pictures on the web and some explanations / figures / funny stories. If I have enough time I'll build a complete photo show from the 4 Gigs of pictures I've shot during the trip.

So stay tuned, I've brought the D50 with me this time and I've got some XP on how to use it now...

One more week in this wonderful land of China. And that's gr8.

En train de parcourir la Chine

En train de parcourir la Chine

Depuis 3 semaines je voyage en Chine, je suis d'ailleurs a Canton en ce moment et c'est le premier jour ou j'ai simplement le temps de poster un message.

De toutes facons le but n'est pas de faire un weblog complet du voyage - ca pourrait etre interessant il est vrai mais honnetement je prefere explorer que "scotcher" l'ecran pendant mes vacances, je fais ceci deja suffisamment le reste du temps  - mais juste de donner quelques nouvelles et pour annoncer que de retour de Chine, je posterais quelques une de mes meilleures photos et quelques explications / chiffres et anecdotes amusantes. Si j'ai suffisamment de temps je construirais un "diaporama" complet a partir des 4 Gigas de photos que j'aurais vraisemblablement prises.

Attention, cette fois j'ai amene le D50 avec moi et je commence a savoir plutot bien m'en servir...

Allez encore une semaine en divine Chine et ca, ca le fait.

PS: pas d'accents ici donc j'editerais l'article lorsque je serais rentre.

2007.06.18 @21:48 

Death is what's closest to infinity's beauty.

Death is what's closest to infinity's beauty.

My ol' Grand Pa' died on sunday morning.

He was born in 1919, yeah quite a while ago isnt it ?. His latest years were tough, too sick to do anything but looking through the narrower window of his pain, behind the curtains of his dispair. Yes that is some sort of sad story : he left hope, he felt bad, lots of pain within the body and into the soul, he was everything but alive - not literally speaking though - until sunday's breakout.

I hope you feel better now : at the very least nothing at all. You deserve it ! More than anyone. You had a great life - amazing AFAIK, I'm sure you'll never forget it, don't let the bitter taste of the last steps prior to the finishing line question the happiness of the big void.

Many thanx pal/t.

Pat est mort dimanche

Pat est mort dimanche

Tu n'avais jamais réussi à me faire parler anglais alors que ceux qui lisent ceci fassent l'effort de lire l'autre onglet... I would have been nothing if it wasn't you.

2007.05.14 @22:17 

New feature : Tracking system

New feature : Tracking system

It may not be cocomment but this blog has now a new cool feature I dont think any other blog has AFAIK.

When you'll post a comment (see below - click on the "comments" link if you're on the homepage), you can leave your email as usual but you can also choose to be warned when new comments will be posted after you !

This works per article/conversation/page and you will be able to stop the notifications in the very same notification's email : either you want to stop the notifications on this article or you can simply stop all notifications from if you're fed up with the system.

Please note actually that you can post an empty comment (with at least your email) if you want to turn on the notification without leaving a comment.

Nouvelle fonctionnalité : Surveillance de commentaires

Nouvelle fonctionnalité : Surveillance de commentaires

Ce n'est peut être pas encore cocomment mais ce blog a maintenant une nouvelle fonctionnalité que les autres n'ont probablement pas AFAIK.

 Lorsque vous postez un commentaire (cf. ci dessous - cliquez sur le lien "comments" si vous êtes sur la page d'accueil), vous pouvez laissez votre adresse email comme à l'habitude mais vous pouvez aussi être prévenu lorsque de nouveaux commentaires seront rajoutés !

Cela fonctionne par article/conversation/page et vous pourrez stopper les notifications dans celles-ci : soit en stoppant les notifications d'un article qui ne vous intéresse plus ou simplement toutes les notifications venant du site si vous ne voulez plus en avoir.

Notez que vous pouvez laisser un commentaire vide (avec au minimum votre email) si vous voulez activer le système de notification sans laisser un commentaire.

2007.04.22 @19:20 

New Functionality : Friends

New Functionality : Friends

Here is something to dress up a bit more the left column. Now that some important persons (re)started to write, why not build some more links on the web.

Oh of course, nothing breath-taking I must admit but links are what's internet is all about don't you think ?

Nouvelle fonctionnalité : Friends / Amis

Nouvelle fonctionnalité : Friends / Amis

Voila enfin de quoi habiller un peu la colonne de gauche, vu que certaines personnes importantes dans ma vie se sont (re)mis à écrire, autant tisser quelques liens de plus sur la toile.

Oh rien de terriblement original je le reconnais mais "les liens c'est bien" comme dirait un névropathe amateur de bondage qui passerait par là...

2007.03.30 @08:31 

Butterfly Alphabet

Butterfly Alphabet


This photographer became rich by fullfilling an unusual quest : he has been shooting butterflies since the 60s, and besides his work he was trying to find as much as possible readable drawings on their wings. Now he is able to have a complete alphabet and much more (smileys, animal faces etc...)

Is it poetry by nature or humans always need to bring nature expression closer to their own modelled world to appreciate it ?

His gallery of posters, a "hint" website about some of his art.



L'alphabet des papillons

L'alphabet des papillons


Ce photographe est devenu riche en terminant une quête vraiment originale : il a photographié des papillons depuis les années 60, et en dehors de son travail il a cherché autant que possible dans tous les recoins de la planète des représentations telles que l'aphabet sur leurs ailes. Maintenant il a l'alphabet complet ainsi que d'autres caractères ou représentation (animaux, smileys etc...).

Est ce de la poésie par dame Nature ou les hommes ont ils toujours besoin de ramener son expression à leur vision codée du monde pour pouvoir l'apprécier ?

Allez jeter un coup d'oeil à ces posters et à une petite présentation de son art.


2007.02.11 @00:50 

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

I was wandering on the internet, ok it is saturday night, 01:24 in the morning and I'm clearly really tired. So just one click here, one click there. Tried to go to youtube but accidently went to utube - tired I told you ! Then read a "paper" about the problems between utube and the video company, clicked there, watched a couple of videos yeah well nothing really exciting. In fact before all of that, I thought I could post a message on my blog - I haven't been there in almost a month - but yeah quite tired and didn't want to bother... until I found this video on youtube. And magically the "white paper anguish" went away.

Ok, usually I'm not very found with all the marketing buzz words toolkit and the happy/slappy/euphoristic infomercials about how great and simple our technofuture is by our best-friends the tech-evangelists. Not that I'm depressed or a sad boy but usually because this is just another way to sell some new bullshit to old consumers. But hey, this video is neat, funny, clever and well directed. Beautifully cut, enjoyable music and I must admit probably the best definition for what the persons from the previous sentences are calling : web 2.0, something as hard to define then finding the graal... 

To view the flash animation, you need the latest Flash player.

2007.01.11 @13:29 

Swiss firemen Hip-hop

Swiss firemen Hip-hop

After the kamini project (beware french lyrics) here is the swiss firemen from the Geneva Airport where I live (again french lyrics):

Terrific ! Thx to francois for the info.

Rap des pompiers suisses

Rap des pompiers suisses

Après le ras-de-marée kamini, voici une production de nos sympathiques pompiers de l'aéroport de Genève (juste à coté de chez moi) :

Beaucoup d'humour ! Merci à francois pour l'info.

2006.12.06 @12:04 

Post It

Post It

Worth the look !

What may be funny is to think about how "western" (~wealthy) people spend their time in comparison to "third-world"-ish ones. ;)

But it doesnt mean that I dislike their work, this is a great idea, very well made. A nice piece of art after all dont you think ?

To view the flash animation, you need the latest Flash player.

Post it

Post it

A voir !

On peut se demander comment comparer parfois ce que font les "riches" occidentaux de leur temps par rapport aux "pauvres" du tiers-monde. ;)

Mais il n'en reste pas moins que c'est une très bonne idée, très bien réalisé. Ne serait ce pas de l'art ?

To view the flash animation, you need the latest Flash player.

2006.11.19 @19:47 

Blog New feature : Commenter Cookie

Blog New feature : Commenter Cookie

Now, when you post, your contact details are kept in a cookie so you don't have to type them again if you want to comment multiple times.

Blog Nouvelle Fonctionnalité : Comment(at)eur Cookie

Blog Nouvelle Fonctionnalité : Comment(at)eur Cookie

A partir de maintenant, lorsque vous postez un commentaire, un cookie se rappelera de vos informations de contact donc vous n'aurez plus besoin de les rentrer plusieurs fois à chaque fois que vous commentez.

2006.11.18 @20:52 

Dark Messiah

Dark Messiah
I don't get it. No really I don't get why game reviewers find this game so tedious, marking it as fair or average. Maybe at its launch he had a few glitches, which I think is very stupid from arkane studios : the first week is definitely what will make the reputation of a game but then, what is the problem? I've bought the game 10 days later and I had almost no problem at all (just one crash in 6 hours+ of play and not sure it isnt due to my computer). Ok when I installed the game I had to download a fair amount of data from the internet but anyway this game is using steam and as usual with steam once you ve made the effort to accept that you need an internet connection to play a SOLO game (!) at least everything is transparent for the user : if the game has to fix itself then it does it before you run it. That's all.

So ok that was the stupid part of its launch but everything except that is just brilliant. I don't mean "good" I mean awesome.

It looks like people didnt get that this is an action game with a rpg touch. I'm a huge rpg gamer as well and I have no problem at all with a "simple" game sometimes. That's the point : gamers want something new and sometimes do like different kind of game for what it offers you and its specialities. Take Oblivion for example, where's the gameplay is quite "similar" : you grab a sword, a shield, a couple of magic spell etc... So... you want a complex story ? You like complex rpg statistics, hundred skills/spells and freedom in the world you re discovering, this is the one. You want better action ? Great combats and animations ? Some interesting physical possibilities like pushing somebody in the fire, out of a cliff or breaking walls, pushing statues onto your opponents then take dark messiah.

Seriously, this game is I think almost the equivalent of HalfLife II in term of medieval action/FPS. It is a bit dull in term of story I must admit, sometimes looks a bit "cheap" in terms of Video editing and the first levels are not all so interesting + I do think that they give too much and too often magical items in this game but come on ! In term of gameplay we never had anything like that before : the combats are really incredible, you can feel the sword wavering aroung your head, you can feel the blow when you parry with your shield, special attacks use a clever system and at the end of the day, the player has what he wants : a lot of adrenaline and a rush of blood to the head. The 3D for the characters, the way they are animated and how they are able to defend themselves are really impressive. Plus what I do like a lot is that the combat is system is fair and usable : if you re really good you can really beat up several enemies at the same time without taking any blow, and when you take some you usually feel it in your health bar ! Other - still good games - like half life II you cant really avoid taking a couple of bullets but you dont really care as they re not hitting you very badly anyway and sometimes looks like you dont fear much when going into battle. Here, the beginning is quite easy, I was actually a bit disappointed with the "normal difficulty" and couldnt change it without restrting from scratch. But after a couple of missions, it really starts to be more difficult and challenging.

I didnt test the multiplayer game for the moment, it looks like it has its flaws, to be honest I found games like half file II great in solo but quickly boring in multi so that's not the important part for me. I may make another post or update when I'll test.

Think as you want but I do think this game has changed how we can perceive medieval combat and will be a beacon for the next games like the Thief series was. It has some defaults but if you like action, you wont be disappointed...